Saturday, April 06, 2013

When questioned about marriage equality, try not to be an idiot

Lest I be accused of only highlighting Republican stupidity and hypocrisy on this blog, here's some real stupidity from a Democrat, Senator Mark Pryor from Arkansas, one of only four U.S. Democratic Senators who hasn't come out in favor of same-sex marriage.
“I would put me down in the undecided category,” the moderate Democrat told KFSM 5 News. “I did talk with some friends of mine in the gay and lesbian community over the last week or so. We talked about this issue. We also talked about a question I received in the office not too long ago where they asked whether being gay was a choice or whether you were born that way. I told them, I said, ‘Honestly I’ve never really thought a lot about that.” Maybe a lot of people think about that. I haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about that. But one of the things I hear from them is they feel very strongly that it’s not a choice for them, and I respect that. I’m not going to dispute that. I appreciate that, and I appreciate their honesty. For a lot of these people they just really open their heart to me and talked about some of the struggles they’ve had over the years with their sexual orientation. I respect that and appreciate their patience, and I appreciate their honesty.”  Link
First of all, you've "never really thought a lot about" whether being gay was a choice? You're a frickin' Senator and you never thought about that? Did you even exist in America in the 20th and 21st century where this has been a social issue for decades?

Second of all, here's a hint at how to deal with it. If a gay person tells you that they're born that way, you BELIEVE them. You stop discriminating against them and come out in favor of giving them equal rights.


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