Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Ted Nugent, NRA board member, CNN contributor and draft dodger

Ted Nugent is a HUGE asshole.
TED NUGENT: I'm going to hit you with something even more ugly, and just heartbreaking, and anti-American than anything else -- I bet you've covered this, Alex.
We have an epidemic, an unprecedented increase in heroes of the U.S. military committing suicide, and I'm going to tell you why. And I'm sure the leftist blogs are going to attack me, misquote me, but I'll tell you why more and more warrior heroes of the military are killing themselves: Because they are in absolute frustration and heartbreak that their boss, their Commander-In-Chief violates the Constitution that he has made an oath to while their hero warrior blood brothers are being blown to smithereens and blown up while executing their oath to the same Constitution that the president, the vice president, and the attorney general violate.
There is a heartbreak in the warrior community. Link
Yes, it’s not that they’re suffering from PTSD from watching their “hero warrior blood brothers … being blown to smithereens and blown up” in Iraq and Afghanistan or the problems they’ve had since coming home finding work and a sense of normalcy. It’s because President Obama is a secret Muslim who hates the Constitution.

There’s just no other way to say it. HUGE asshole.

1 comment:

Eric Haas said...

But when Bush did it, that was okay.