Monday, May 05, 2014

Busiest "month" continues

Things haven't slowed down since we got back from England.

Last Saturday, April 26, Rachel arrived back in America, having had a fantastic semester abroad. After only a few days home, she's currently back at James Madison to audition for some shows and get next fall squared away.

Meanwhile, I've been in my new office for a week and have just about finished getting everything where it needs to be. There were a lot of adjustments and some small crises, but things should be approaching normal tomorrow.

And on top of that, Carol, Ben and I spent all weekend at Game Days, the annual game convention run by the Games Club of Maryland. As usual, it was a great time. The big hit of the convention seemed to be the new game, Splendor. We'll be picking up a copy.

And now to bed.

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