Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tanked up on weed

From the American Family Association:
On his radio program today, [Bryan Fischer] sought to bolster this narrative by citing a few new bits of recently released information, such as the report that Brown was shot six times in his front and had marijuana in his system, claiming that this proves that Brown was "tanked up" on pot, which made him go berserk and attack the police officer.
"We know now he did have marijuana in his system," Fischer explained, "and we've had stories, remember, we've had stories from Colorado, people going berserk on marijuana and killing people, hyped up on marijuana. So it's more dangerous than people think"
I have no personal experience with marijuana at all, but I am smart enough to know that marijuana does not make you violent or hyper. You'll also notice that those on the side of gunning down an unarmed teenager are all conservatives. What with the family values and all.

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