Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Fun with Signs - Post Morse Code and the followup

After my Morse code sign went up, the copycat prankster struck back, putting up the following post-it notes, also in Morse Code.

This one says, "Show me the Monkec?" Yes, Monkec. Obviously he was misquoting "Show Me the Money", but I'm not sure if the misquote was deliberate.

This one says "Stand Back?" No idea.

A couple of days later, I decided to directly address the copycat prankster so I put up my own post-it note between his that said, in Morse Code, "WTF?" with arrows pointing to his notes. I really had no idea what he was trying to communicate.

The next day, the sign below was posted. It reads "What next?" "King Kong?" "Star Trek?" I guess this means that he's asking what pop culture reference I am going to make next. Once again, I think the copycat is underestimating my cleverness. I haven't been posting just random pop culture references, but a wide variety of different types of signs. 

A couple of days later, I put up my next sign. Indeed it was a pop culture reference, but I think it's one of my most inspired.


Eric Haas said...

Y and C are very close in Morse code, so he may have been trying for "Show me the monkey".

Ipecac said...

That's what I figured. But the quote is "Show me the money" so it's still a misquote, even if spelled correctly.

Eric Haas said...

Unless he was making a Curious George reference.

Ipecac said...

I didn't know that was a thing!