The Wall Street Journal

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Auto Week

This was a big week for us, auto-wise.

As Rachel is graduating from college in June with all kinds of auditions in various places around the country, we realized it was finally time for her own car. So within an afternoon we found various options at her local used Kia dealer, she went in and test-drove a couple, and drove out with a 2008 Kia Optima. I had to co-sign the loan, but she's now a car owner.

Meanwhile, having completed the sixty hours of mandatory driving, Ben went in for his driving test on Thursday and passed. So he's now a licensed driver. It will be quite a while before he gets his own car.

Happily, adding Rachel's new car to our insurance only added about $120 every six months. Unhappily, as soon as Ben got his license, that shot up to around $600. Oy.

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