The Wall Street Journal

Monday, June 06, 2016

Family Values and Strong Principles

So what do you do if the Presidential nominee of your party is a misogynistic, racist demagogue who uses fascist language and encourages violence against his enemies? If you're a leader in the Republican party, you apparently just cave on whatever principles you're supposed to have.
Asked how she felt about those remarks, [New Hampshire Republican Senator Kelly] Ayotte—generally considered a moderate among Republicans—slammed the presumptive nominee. "His comments are offensive and wrong, and he should retract them," Ayotte said, according to local New Hampshire news station WMUR.
Ayotte, however, maintained that she'd still vote for Trump, despite his racism.  Link
Well, as Trump might say, she's just a girl and probably bleeding out of her "whatever". 

So what do the "men" of the GOP have to say?
Then, when confronted with a conservative columnist's harsh words for GOP's leaders rallying around Donald Trump—"the Party of Lincoln intends to circle the wagons around a racist. Damn them for that."— [Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell responded by clarifying where his own priorities lie. "I think the party of Lincoln wants to win the White House," McConnell said. […]  Link
Winning is all that matters for Mitch, the country be damned. But then we've seen that for the past seven years.  

How about the House?
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) endorsed Donald Trump for president on Thursday in an op-ed published in his hometown newspaper.  Link
It's clear that Republicans have decided that going along with, again this cannot be overstated, the misogynistic, racist demagogue who uses fascist language and encourages violence against his enemies, Trump, is better than taking a principled stand against him. I mean, he might go after them next, and they can't have that.

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