Wednesday, October 04, 2017

The Monster must be named

Greg Sargent:
Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue on guns was very powerful. It’s not enough, Jimmy.
No question, Kimmel said many of the things that needed to be said.He demolished the dumb talking point that now is not the time to debate solutions: “We have 59 innocent people dead, it wasn’t their time, either.” He excoriated the fact that gun violence has now become accepted as routine. He rightly contrasted inaction on guns with our willingness to use government to combat other public safety threats. He even named names, tearing into Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan for offering empty “thoughts and prayers” while doing nothing, because “the NRA has their balls in a money clip.”
But Kimmel nowhere fingered the Republican Party as the obstacle to action on this issue, instead aiming the blame at “congresspeople.” If you are Jimmy Kimmel, and you want more regulation of guns, the Republican Party is your problem. The Democratic Party has long supported and pushed for the very same solutions Kimmel called for last night. The GOP has blocked them.
This is exactly right. We'll make no progress until people stop blaming "Congress" and start blaming REPUBLICANS.

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