Thursday, April 12, 2018

Get to Know Me! Earliest memories

After I was born, I lived in a little house on Stevens Avenue in Elkhart, Indiana. I think my parents were renting it, but I don't know for sure. When we left, it was to live with relatives temporarily while my parents had a new house built in another part of town.

I have three memories from that house, although they may be manufactured from stories I was told about my childhood. I lived in that house until I was three, I think.

(I'm pretty sure my Mom will correct me on this and, if so, I'll edit this entry.)

Here's the house today, by the way (from Google Street View).

The earliest memory I have is walking into my parents room at night with my beloved teddy bear, Teddy. (I was really good at naming things.) I had pulled one of its eyes out and showed them, which sounds pretty gruesome now that I think about it. For the rest of the years I owned him (until my Dad made my Mom throw him out) he had only one eye. I loved that bear.

The second memory I have is a drum set I had in my closet. I remember pounding on the drums so hard that I put a drumstick through one of them.

I guess I was a pretty destructive kid.

The final memory I have is coming down some stairs in my pajamas while my parents and some friends were watching TV. I've always thought it was at the neighbor's house who lived behind us, but I don't think that's right; it was likely our house. This would have been around 1967, so I like to think they were watching Star Trek, but that's also pretty far-fetched.

I do know that I had a beloved Batman costume as I have a picture of myself sitting on that porch wearing it. But I don't remember that.

As I said, they all may be false memories, but they're in my mind, so they may as well be real.

Edited to add: My Mom says they owned the house, buying it for $10,000.

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