Saturday, December 01, 2018

A Tale of Three Presidents

At one time, George H.W. Bush was my favorite modern President. He wasn't perfect and in fact did some pretty nasty crap while he was in office. But he did try to represent all Americans, he served his country for decades, and was gracious in defeat and retirement.

Accolades have poured out from around the world today on news of his death. Here's an eloquent one from the current President of the United States.
“The thousand points of light, what the hell was that by the way? Thousand points of light, what did that mean, does anyone know? I know one thing, Make America Great Again we understand. Putting America first, we understand. Thousand points of light, I never quite got that one. What the hell is that? Has anyone ever figured that one out? And it was put out by a Republican, wasn’t it?”
Oh, I'm sorry. That wasn't from today. That was from a long time ago. Way back in July . . . 2018.

Here's a snippet from the White House announcement today.
Through his essential authenticity, disarming wit, and unwavering commitment to faith, family, and country, President Bush inspired generations of his fellow Americans to public service—to be, in his words, “a thousand points of light” illuminating the greatness, hope, and opportunity of America to the world.

Hmmm. Those two statements seem inconsistent. I wonder if one of them was just self-serving bullshit. Wait! They both were!

Oh, and here's something. Why the hell was Dipshit McGee making fun of George H.W. Bush in July?!? What the hell is that about?

In case you need a better example of a decent human being, this partial quote from the Obamas:
George H.W. Bush’s life is a testament to the notion that public service is a noble, joyous calling. And he did tremendous good along the journey. Expanding America’s promise to new immigrants and people with disabilities. Reducing the scourge of nuclear weapons and building a broad international coalition to expel a dictator from Kuwait. And when democratic revolutions bloomed across Eastern Europe, it was his steady, diplomatic hand that made possible an achievement once thought anything but – ending the Cold War without firing a shot.
It's a legacy of service that may never be matched, even though he’d want all of us to try.

Now that's a much better epitaph.

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