Thursday, March 21, 2019

America is a deeply stupid country

Sorry, but it's true.

We are the richest country the world has ever known. We have vast resources, a skilled, hard-working populace, a growing population (welcome, immigrants), fundamental freedoms, good infrastructure, and no existential threats. America could be a paradise.

But it isn't.

Why? Because too many of our people have bought into the lie that we have to work until just a few years before we drop dead. That we can't afford decent, inexpensive healthcare, or to house and feed the homeless. That rich people deserve every single penny of the billions of dollars they could never spend, while a single mom working two jobs is a slacker who deserves her poverty. That people who have lived their whole lives with a foot on their neck are the ones with all the advantages. That the only discrimination that exists is discrimination against the privileged.

Many countries in the world are objectively, empirically better places to live. Places where you won't go bankrupt if you get sick. You won't get shot going to school. You get lots of time off and help when you have a child. Where you can travel, enjoy your life, and not worry about catastrophe every damn day. And you have more freedoms than in the United States.

Basically, this:

I'll say it again. America could be a paradise on Earth. We have the money, the resources and the talent.

We just lack the smarts.

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