Monday, August 12, 2019

Evangelicals got priorities

According to Politico, evangelical supporters of Donald J. Trump are upset.

Are they upset because he's committed adultery many, many times?  Nope.
Are they upset because he's separating families and locking children up in cages? Nope.
Are they upset because he's publicly lied over 12,000 times while in office? Nope.
Are they upset because he's besties with brutal dictator/murderer Kim Jung Un? Nope.
Are they upset with his constant racism and sexism?  Are you kidding me?

They are upset because . . . he uses bad words.
For evangelicals, however, Trump’s indelicate language has frustrated religious fans who have otherwise been staunch supporters of his agenda. They agree with his social policies, praise his appointment of conservative judges and extol his commitment to Israel — often tolerating Trump’s character flaws for the continued advancement of all three. But when it comes to “using the Lord’s name in vain,” as Hardesty put it, “the president’s evangelical base might be far less forgiving.”

The ONE good thing that will come out of the Trump Administration is that we NEVER, EVER have to pretend that evangelicals have any sort of moral authority.

Seriously. Fuck those guys.


Tony said...

Here's what really bugs me about so-called "moderate" christians:

When a secular person or atheist notices the grotesque excesses, the blatant hypocrisy, the homophobia and/or the flagrant inconsistencies of christian extremists, do "moderate" christians get mad at the mind-boggling stupid gibberish of the extremists?

No. They get mad at people that notice that the most powerful and vocal extremist christians are mentally deranged.

SJHoneywell said...

When the fundamentalists are the worst proponents of your religion, it says a great deal about those fundamentals.

Ipecac said...

Yep and yep.