Monday, July 13, 2020


Actress Kelly Preston died today. My fondest memory of her is from the great movie, Sky High. She gave a wonderful performance.

Married to John Travolta, the couple tragically lost their 16 year old son in 2009.  At the time, Trump wrote this in a blog on his Trump University website:
A long time ago, before I was married, I met Kelly Preston at a club and worked like hell to try and pick her up. She was beautiful, personable, and definitely had allure. At the time I had no idea she was married to John Travolta.
In any event, my track record on this subject has always been outstanding, but Kelly wouldn’t give me the time of day. She was very nice, very elegant, but I didn’t have a chance with her, and that was that.
He finished by expressing condolences to the family.  Link

I know it would comfort me to know that someone had fond memories of trying to pick up my Mom and failing, despite his "outstanding" track record of picking up women. I look forward to more reminiscences from him on how hot she was, now that she's died.

Fucking sociopath.

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