Monday, October 05, 2020

President COVID


I just want to put this out there -- officially. 

I am, obviously, not a fan of Trump. However . . .

I DO NOT want Trump to die of COVID-19.

I DO want Trump to experience what it's like to suffer from COVID-19. I want him to understand the pain, fear, grief and anguish that people all over this country are experiencing because of his actions. I want him alive to be utterly humiliated when Joe Biden crushes him on November 3. I want him healthy to see Biden inaugurated in January. I want Trump around to face trial, be convicted, and thrown in jail for corruption and the many crimes he's committed before and during his administration. I want him to see his family and friends convicted of their own crimes. I want him to serve years in prison.

Then, and only then, he has my permission to die.

1 comment:

SJHoneywell said...


Bill Barr, on the other hand...