credit: Jesse Duquette

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Imbalance of Terror

One of my friends watched the original Star Trek episode, "Balance of Terror" the other day and we got to talking about it. It's the one where the Romulans attack Federation outposts along the neutral zone and Kirk must decide whether to chase the invading ship back across the zone to destroy it before it reaches Romulan space.

There's a scene where the command crew is debating on their next course of action. I suspect that were that scene written in today's political climate, the scene might go a little differently. (Forgive the improper script formatting.)

I agree – attack.

Are you suggesting that we fight to prevent a fight?

Based on what? Memories of a war over a century ago? On theories about a people we've never even met face-to-face?

Doctor McCoy, why do you hate the Federation?


Besides, we know what they look like.

Yes, indeed we do, Mr. Stiles. And if the Romulans are an off-shoot of my Vulcan blood – and I think this likely – then attack becomes even more imperative.

War is never imperative.

Seriously, Doctor. If you hate the Federation so much, why are you even at this meeting? Shouldn't you be attending to the wounded on the Romulan ship?

I do not hate the Federation! I'm simply pointing out . . .

Bones, Sulu has already laid in the course. We must stay the course. If we cut and run now, the Romulans win. Do you want the Romulans to win?

Of course not, but we should consider . . .

Then it's settled. We'll attack the nearest Klingon ship. That'll show those Romulans.

And . . . scene.

Thanks very much. I'll be here all week.


Anonymous said...

Of course, on the other side, you could also foresee a scenario in which Bones refuses to allow Spock to even advocate war and starts yelling and screaming to keep anyone from hearing him. When Kirk tries to get Bones to shut up, Bones accuses Kirk of being a racist, war monger seeking to kill peace-loving Romulans.

Ipecac said...

Cool! Bill O'Reilly is responding to MY blog! Awesome.


Anonymous said...

I'm not Bill O'Reilly, I'm Teve Torbes.

Anonymous said...

Also, if you recall, I commented to you on how irrational Bones, as usual, was being, by refusing to even consider the possibility that the others might be right.

Anonymous said...


Isn't it interesting that, in high school, I wanted to emulate you. In our adulthood, you've been becoming more and more like me. Now the circle is complete.

Eric Haas said...

Whose side are you guys on? Why are you giving aid and comfort to our enemies with this satire?