Monday, December 04, 2006

Belated Review of Casino Royale

Since there's been some debate about my controversial/silly Bond theory, I thought I should post my thoughts on "Casino Royale".

I thought it was a very entertaining movie, and definitely in the top tier (20%) of Bond flicks. Despite early media concerns, Daniel Craig was absolutely fitting as Bond and seems a better actor than most who have played the role. I enjoyed seeing a more serious Bond (although every new Bond seems to start serious and become more campy as they go.) The action was good and the mood sophisticated and smart.

In the original story, the game Bond plays is Baccarat which, at the time, was rather obscure and mysterious. In reality, while it is one of the highest staked games in gambling, Baccarat is not a very good game. The only choice is whether you bet on the bank, the player or the tie. There are no choices in the game itself and hence no skill; you may as well be flipping coins. In the movie, the game has been changed to Texas Hold 'Em. While undoubtedly a better game and one in which skill plays a much larger part, it was a bit disconcerting to see James Bond playing the same trendy game that every yutz in America is playing (and that includes me).

Finally, the main title track was completely forgettable. I have to agree with Matthew Baldwin, The Defective Yeti, and go further to suggest that Bitter:Sweet would have been a much better choice to record the title track.

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