We drive up to the menu and see a sign posted over the intercom, "We have no ice cream or shakes at this time." Apparently some of their equipment was on the fritz. No problem, all we want is a Chicken Select, two hamburgers and a Big Mac. I order the chicken and then say, "Two hamburgers."
The voice from the intercom says, "We don't have those right now."
My first thought is that he misheard me. He did have a strong accent so somehow he mistook "hamburger" for "ice cream". So I repeated, "I would like two hamburgers."
"We only have what's on the late-night menu."
It was at that point I saw the other menu, basically a sign board, posted next to the regular menu. The late-night menu had only about ten items listed including chicken selects, the premium chicken sandwiches and a Quarter Pounder with Cheese (known as a Royale with Cheese in Europe). AND THAT'S IT. No hamburgers. No Big Macs. I could get a Crispy Chicken Club sandwich, but not McDonalds' basic staple, the hamburger. As Adam Sandler might say in the classic SNL sketch, "Who are the ad wizards who came up with this one?"
Carol suggested that maybe they had shut down certain parts of the kitchen at night and so couldn't make hamburgers. But she realized they were making Quarter Pounders, so that couldn't be right. What the heck?
I ended up getting a Quarter Pounder, my least favorite of their burgers. Billions and billions served? At late-night, I couldn't even get two.
They use different equipment for the quarter pounders and the regular hamburgers, so having QPs available does not mean they would also have hamburgers available. Still, it seems a strange choice not to have regular hamburgers available, since I would expect most late night customers aren't looking for a large meal.
Different equipment for QP's and hamburgers? You mean, equipment like a grill? While that explains the situation, it is somehow deeply disturbing.
The grills have to be different temperatures for the different size patties.
While that seems rather inefficient, it's certainly understandable and explains some of the situation. Thanks.
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