Thanks to the patriots at Fox News, the WAR ON CHRISTMAS has been receiving much publicity over the past few years, especially when usually virtuous but seasonally evil corporations like Best Buy and Wal-Mart insist on having their employees wish you "Happy Holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas". But it is only now that extensive investigation has revealed the original architects of the WAR ON CHRISTMAS. It seems that the liberal media have been hiding the origins of this war, wanting you to think that it's a recent development. In fact, the evil, secular WAR ON CHRISTMAS has been going on for decades. The masterminds and ringleaders behind this war?
These guys.

Check out the lyrics to their anti-Christmas, propaganda piece, Happy Holiday, created over six decades ago. You won't find a single mention of Christmas, the Baby Jesus, mangers or even a star. In fact, this horrific insult to Christmas contains an obscene reference to grabbing "your nurse" and bringing her to some seedy hotel for who knows what kind of "fun".
Only when these guys are brought to justice, will we be free to once again celebrate Christmas the way it is supposed to be celebrated, by buying and consuming huge amounts of consumer products, insisting that everyone celebrate the Christian holiday and then complaining when they don't do it the way Christians want them to.
1 comment:
I referenced these very gentleman in my backlash against our local paper. These guys get around!
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