Wednesday, January 03, 2007

You win, this time, Science!

As we were heading to Indiana for Christmas, my family celebrated our Christmas morning on December 23. Ben received a load of gumballs and, consequently, desperately needed his gumball machine to dispense them. Unfortunately, his gumball machine resides on a shelf high up in his room.

Long story, short, my wife unwisely chose to stand on a rather unstable stool to reach the gumball machine. As she fell, she landed on the stool. Fortunately, she was relatively uninjured and suffered only some interesting bruises. The stool was destroyed.

Apparently, no one told Carol that Gravity is only a theory, like the Germ Theory of Disease and the Theory of Evolution. If only she had known, she might have avoided a nasty fall.


Anonymous said...

If you remember what happened to my Dad involving a ladder when we were in high school, which shant be repeated here, we can agree that this could have been much...much worse.

Ipecac said...

Just thinking about what happened to your Dad makes me wince and squirm. Yeesh.

I agree Carol's fall could have been very bad and I'm horribly glad it wasn't. After I arrived in the room and took charge, Ben's attitude changed from "Oh, no, Mommy's hurt!" to "Mommy, can you move your twisted carcass out of the way so I can get my gumball machine?"