Friday, December 22, 2006

Dumber and Dumberer

Holy cow.

Rep. Goode makes bigger ass of himself.

I am for restricting immigration so that we don’t have a majority of Muslims elected to the House of Representatives,” Goode said.
Apparently ONE muslim Congressman in the 220 year history of the United States is too many. Don't the people who elected (Muslim) Congressman Ellison know that, at this rate, Muslims will take control of Congress in only 47,960 years?!? Boy, will they feel foolish when they have to interrupt their Blurnsball game and bend their syntho-knees to pray to New Mecca every four space-hours.
"What I said in my letter was that I would be bringing the Bible to the swearing-in. I did not subscribe to the Koran and I would not be bringing the Koran into the chamber or swearing-in on it on a ceremonial oath taking," Goode said.
This doofus seems to be under the impression that he'll have to swear in using the Koran. Even more bizarre, apparently the whole "hand on the bible" thing is just a photo-op. The reps take the oath sans holy books of any sort.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You got spam as a comment? How sad.

Ipecac said...

Isn't it? It's my third spam content. Any time you see a deleted comment, it was spam. I don't delete legitimate comments from my (2) loyal readers.

Eric Haas said...

How about comments from your disloyal readers?

Ipecac said...

I'll check out your blog. :)

Goode said, "I did not subscribe to the Koran and I would not be bringing the Koran into the chamber or swearing-in on it on a ceremonial oath taking." He may not think he'll be required to swear-in on a Koran, but the non-sequitor is his, not mine.

I don't think Ellison is an idiot for essentially pointing out the hypocrisy of people like Goode.

I very much fear what you're espousing. There are millions of American muslims. They must have the same rights as everyone else. Even if allowing them freedom of speech leads to a muslim majority (which is hardly a likely scenario) we cannot withhold their freedoms without betraying the very principles that makes this nation great.

While I may agree that the moderates in Islam allow the dangerous fundamenalists to thrive, the same can be said of Christianity. Peronally, I think Christian fundamentalists are more of a threat to our nation than Islamists because the Christians wield far more power. Shall we restrict their liberties as well?

I don't care for religion and think we'd all be better off without it. But when we restrict the liberties of some for our own supposed protection, we all suffer and we make ourselves less safe.

Eric Haas said...

Uh, Joe, a logarithmic gain would be very slow, much slower than a linear gain. Perhaps you meant to say exponential?