Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April Sucks


April 16 - Virginia Tech massacre
April 19 - Waco siege disaster
April 19 - Oklahoma City bombing
April 20 - Columbine

These are not all coincidences as the date for the Oklahoma City bombing was chosen to coincide with Waco, while Columbine was chosen to coincide with Hitler's birthday.

I propose we just take April right off the calendar. Rename it or delete it altogether. Come to think of it, Bob would be a great name for a month. Who could kill anyone during Bob?

"Hey, let's get together next Saturday, Bob the 14th!"

"My birthday is Bob 5th, 2003."
"Where were you on the night of Bob the 22nd?"
"I think I'll go on my killing spree next Bob. Nah, that would be ridiculous!"

See? Much better.


Eric Haas said...

I think you need to be a Roman Emperor to get a month named after you.

Ipecac said...

Oh, and just how do I go about doing that? Sheesh, Eric, that wasn't helpful at all!

Anonymous said...
