Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My type is red

In Japan, there's a rather bizarre belief that your blood type determines your personality. Many employers base hiring decisions solely on blood type.

Here's a revealing Pop Vox at Japan Today asking Japanese if they believe in the blood/personality connection. The answers are depressing.

Of course, given that a majority of Americans don't "believe" in evolution and millions believe that all humans can be sorted into just twelve types based on their birth date (astrology), you can't be too hard on the Japanese.

They're just as uninformed and superstitious as we are.


Eric Haas said...

I suspect that just about every culture on the planet has it's own set of silly beliefs.

Ipecac said...

Very true.

What makes this belief especially interesting is that it was popular with the Nazis and that blood type was completely unknown until 1901.