Friday, April 13, 2007

Woo woo!

From the Amazing Randi himself:
Which reminds me: I’m hoping that we may have put a new word into general circulation: “woo-woo.” It has the meaning – in the Oxford Dictionary, citing an 1841 usage – of “imitative of the sound of wind,” which is not too far off the way I use it, which would be, as a noun: “a person who accepts as valid, a ridiculous or highly unlikely premise” and as an adjective: “like, or acceptable to, a woo-woo.” Remember, dictionaries don’t define words, they only provide the usage. So, the more we employ the word, the closer it gets to being accepted… Swift Newsletter, April 13, 2007
I'm completely with him on this and already try to use the term as much as possible. That, and "pimpmobile".

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