Friday, April 27, 2007

Wow, my life must really suck

Gov. Jon S. Corzine, speaking publicly for the first time since he was seriously injured in an automobile accident two weeks ago, said Thursday that feels blessed to be alive.

"I'm the most blessed person who ever lived," Corzine told an Associated Press photographer Thursday from his hospital room.
NJ Governor glad to be alive
Yes, what a great "blessing". He required seven pints of blood, a breathing tube, suffered 12 broken ribs, a femur that protruded through the skin of his thigh, a broken breastbone, a broken collarbone, a broken lower back bone and a flap-like cut on his skull.

Lord, please spare me this type of "blessing". I prefer the type of blessing where I don't get into accidents in the first place.

As for his comment that he is the most "blessed person who ever lived," I guess the rest of us are REALLY screwed.


Eric Haas said...

Why on Earth does this rate as news? Is anybody actually surprised that he's glad he's still alive?

Ipecac said...

I imagine it's because it's his first public comment since the crash. Unfortunately, it was rather inane.

BillR said...

Maybe he's blessed because he doesn't use his seatbelt and he goes 90mph and survives that?