Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blame Canada

Wingnuts are spreading rumors of a secret plan to merge the United States, Canada, and Mexico into one country. Of course, this would mean the elimination of the English language and the dollar and put us goodly Americans under the thumb of those evil Canadians and Mexicans. Bizarrely, construction of a ginormous superhighway connecting the three countries is an integral part of the plan. The gory (and stupid) details can be found here.

Shockingly, Wingnuts don't appear to be aware of the basic demographics of the three countries.

Canada - 32.9 million population - $1.1 trillion GDP
Mexico - 107.4 million population - $1.3 trillion GDP
US - 301.7 million population - $13.8 trillion GDP

This raises some observations and questions:
  1. Apparently Americans are weak and easily dominated. The US dwarfs the combined population and economy of Canada and Mexico. Why would they become they dominant partners?
  2. Wouldn't adding population, resources and wealth add to the US's power and prestige? Isn't that what an Imperial nation should be doing?
  3. Why the heck would Canada want to merge with the US? They have practically all the benefits of the US but none of the disadvantages (terrorism, high crime rate, unpopular global image). No one hates Canadians!
  4. Wouldn't being part of the US and subject to its protections and laws encourage Mexican immigrants to stay in Mexico? Isn't fear of immigration the whole point of this paranoid theory?
Watch out folks, the black helicopters are coming for you. Or not.

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