credit: Jesse Duquette

Friday, May 18, 2007


Well, my morning is shot.

I'm on my way to work this morning, riding the Metro as usual, when I'm pretty sure I was bomdarded by at least 53 trillion neutrinos. I know that more than 50 trillion electron neutrinos pass through every human on Earth every second, but dang those extra 3 trillion really hurt. And I'm pretty sure a couple of them were muon neutrinos.

As you can imagine, this pretty much kills the whole "TGIF" mood I had going. Stupid elementary particles.


ahtitan said...


Is this in honor of the Tanga puzzle the other day? Or is my life now just full of neutrino references?

Ipecac said...

Didn't see the Tanga puzzle. Just random silliness from me. I guess we'll call you Neutrino-boy!

ahtitan said...

Neutrino Lad, thank you very much. Been on a Legion of Superheroes kick lately.