credit: Jesse Duquette

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Good Times

I like this time of year. My family watches a good amount of TV together and although I really enjoy it and won't give it up, it can get tiresome having our evenings booked solid. Now that all of the shows are winding up their seasons, we're starting to get our evenings back.

We have the season finale of The Office tonight, then the season finales of 24, The Simpsons, and Lost next week and we're done for the summer! Wheee!

On a sad note, the Knights of Prosperity was not renewed for next season. I hope ABC will at least show the unaired four episodes.


ahtitan said...

I feel the same way! I can't/won't give up my shows, but breathe a huge sigh of relief when they all go on hiatus for the summer. Each season finale is like one more step out of TV prison.

Gage said...

How can you still watch 24? I was bored with it after one season. It could be good if they took it to a 13 episode season but 24 is way too many.

Ipecac said...

But 13 is a much less cool title than 24!

The basic appeal of 24 has always been its intensity. Seasons 2 through 4 were good and season 5 was downright awesome, featuring some excellent performances, and deserving of its multiple emmys. Season 6, however, has been terrible.

The problem is that the producers decided at some point that they needed to ratchet up the threat level from season to season. The first season told a personal story while the plot in subsequent seasons have become more and more super-villainish. Unfortunately, they went way over the top this season and the show suffered badly.

ahtitan said...

Season one was great. Season four sucked.

Ipecac said...

Season 4 suffered from the infinite regress of terror cells. Every time time they took out one group and a boss, another layer of terrorists was revealed, like a video game. It got ridiculously silly. Still, it was better than the current season.