The Wall Street Journal

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Albanians Love Bush

Holy crap!

If this happened in the US:

1. The Secret Service would be kicking some major butt seconds later;

2. President Bush would never go out into public again; and

3. Those four hands would squeeze together and Cheney would become President.

As they said on the Daily Show, "We're not even allowed to ask the guy questions."


David Fair said...

I assume you saw the video where he got his watch stolen by someone in this crowd.

It happens close to the 1:00 mark. Look for it.

Ipecac said...

I did. The Administration is saying he took it off and gave it to a secret service guy. As in all things, I totally trust them to tell the truth.

Love your new picture. :-)

David Fair said...

Yeah, that's a complete cover up. No way do I believe that.

PS. Congrat's on the good numbers. I have mine done the first week in July...