credit: Jesse Duquette

Friday, June 22, 2007

Children, look away!

According to this site:

Why? Because of the presence of the following words - crap (3x) , kill (2x), suck (1x).

I think it must have just checked the top page of the blog because I'm pretty certain I've used those words more than indicated.

Man, this crap could really kill my blog readership. This sucks.


ahtitan said...

I considered writing "S***, man, that's f****d up," but realized that your kids might read it. So I abandoned the joke. For the children.

Eric Haas said...

I ran that on my blog, and got a “G” rating. Guess I'm not as cutting edge as you.

I was flagged for the words “dead” (1x) and “death” (2x). The “dead” comes from the post where I talk about my dead car battery. But I can't figure out “death”; I can only find it once, and that’s in a link to your blog!

Eric Haas said...

Btw, Dave’s gets a “PG” for using the word “porn.”

Eric Haas said...

Still an R. Trying for an NC-17?