credit: Jesse Duquette

Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's a short range fighter. The Death Star must be nearby.

Thanks to the Angry Astronomer for posting this awesome picture taken as the shuttle left the "International Space Station". Look behind the shuttle's tail off in the distance.

Apparently the US has not only ticked off most of the world, but we've also angered the Galactic Empire. Fortunately, for the moment they seem to be content with just "escorting" our shuttles.


ahtitan said...

Sweet! I took the kids out on the deck the other night to watch the shuttle and space station fly across the night sky. VERY cool.

Ipecac said...

I meant to do that but forgot! D'oh!

Anonymous said...

That's why the Bush Administration is pushing to develop the anti-Star Fighter defense system in case one day earth is attacked by the Empire. Of course, Halliburton will get the contract. Also, this system will protect us if Galactica actually finds earth and brings the Cylons with them. I mean, if you are going to base our torture policy on "24", why not base space policy on "Battlestar Galactica" which is at least better written.

Ipecac said...

Wow. Administrative incompetence, Halliburton, 24 and Galactica mentioned in one response. Nice.

Ipecac said...

We saw the station! Went outside at 10PM and it passed from WNW into the East. Very cool!