The Wall Street Journal

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

You'll never know.

Note to Sopranos fans:

As the screen cut to black at the end of Sunday's final episode, questions remained. Was Tony about to die? Was it just a mundane meal followed by a return home? What else is in store for the crime family? Will there ever be closure?

The answer is no. Get over it.


ahtitan said...

Please don't belittle my disappointment. I might have to whack you. And not in the good way.

Gage said...

I loved the ending for several reasons. The build up of tension (a Sopranos staple) was awesome. I felt like I was Chase's puppet. Life went on for the Sopranos before we joined them in 99 and continues now that the show ended as if we got to peek into a window for what it's like to be in their mob/family.

But the best part was knowing there would be whining and complaning from people who evidently didn't get the show they watched for 7 seasons. To them I simply say, drr!

Anonymous said...

My first feeling was disappointment, but I went back and watched the ending again and it was pretty cool. I liked the "Godfather" allegory with the guy going into the restroom and so forth. It was a very stylish scene and I loved the music. I had had a suspcion all along that Chase wouldn't tie things up neatly--as Gage said, that would have been sort of counter to the show. The endings that people wanted or expected would have been so obvious that you almost had to expect Chase wouldn't do it. Actually, I half expected something to happen to Meadow, a la "Godfather 3" and since both of the kids were enormously irritating characters, that would not have been the worst ending.

I am curious, however, as to why the FBI (or that agent, anyway)would be in the business of setting up one mob boss to be whacked by another.