credit: Jesse Duquette

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

In Memory - Ann Kidder (1942-2007)

On July 26, the day before we left for Indiana, my Aunt Ann died at the age of 64. She married my Mom's brother, Dick, not long after I was born and their only child is my cousin Drew.

Aunt Ann was undoubtedly one of the nicest persons I've ever known. She always had a smile on her face and she spoke with a firm, gentle voice. I never heard her say an unkind word about others. Aunt Ann was a very thoughtful, considerate and loving woman who seemed to handle any adversity with a positive outlook. It should also be noted that she played a mean game of Rack-O.

As a lifelong Baptist of a rather conservative denomination, if you had asked her, she would have said that her temperament came from her strong Christian faith. But I think this gives her too little credit. I believe she would have been a wonderful person whether religious or not; her goodness stemmed not from her beliefs but from who she chose to be.

Aunt Ann had been fighting cancer and a number of other health problems for a few years. She was in and out of the hospital, hospice and her home. During this ordeal, my Mom selflessly spent countless hours, sometimes seven days a week for months at a time, at her side, making sure she was comfortable and entertained. My Mom is a pretty wonderful person too.

At the end, Aunt Ann died in her home as she wanted. She was a remarkable person and we will all miss her.

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