credit: Jesse Duquette

Friday, October 19, 2007

HP Update

No, not Hewlett-Packard. Harry Potter.

I started re-reading the seventh book a couple of days ago. Given the speed with which I read "The Deathly Hallows" when it came out, I'm seeing a lot of detail I don't remember. That says a lot for the depth of the book.

While the first and second book make it seem like Hogwarts is the focus of the tale, the story gradually moves into other territory and the seventh book makes it clear that the focus of the story was never about a boy going to a school, but about a boy growing up to fight evil. Even when it didn't seem to, the story was about Harry fighting Voldemort. Once that moment finally arrives in earnest, Hogwarts has become a prize that has been lost and must be regained.

This time through, I appreciated the sixth book, "The Half-Blood Prince", more than on previous readings. It's a deep breath before the plunge and explores many of the characters, especially Voldemort, in much greater depth before all-out wizard war ensues. It's a remarkably subtle and quiet story considering all that has come before.

Reading all seven books back to back has been a really enjoyable experience.

1 comment:

XUP said...

You'd better hide all your Harry Potters. Now that Dumbledore has been outed, HP will probably be banned and outlawed down yonder in the land of HomoPhobia (coincidence?)