credit: Jesse Duquette

Friday, October 26, 2007

I'll take "Formerly Great Countries with Lots of Morons" for $1000, Alex

One third of Americans believe in ghosts.

One third of Americans approve of President Bush's performance.

'Nuff said.

(Oh, and definitely check out this article from the geniuses at This Old House: What to do if your house has ghosts.)


ahtitan said...

Some people gravitate toward vampires, like my friend Dave and every Goth in the world. Some prefer zombies. I like ghosts. Ever since I was a little kid, I've enjoyed reading ghost stories, especially if they are purported to be true, and especially if there are pictures to "back it up." Knowing now that there is no soul to be tortured, and no afterlife to escape from, I'm kind of sad. I miss believing in ghosts, because they're fun. I don't get the same kick out of them that I used to. I remember seeing one picture of a ghost on the stairs in a book of stories in elementary school, and just staring at it in wonder.

That said, these people are idiots.

Ipecac said...

As a kid, I was always partial to alien vistitations. The idea scared and thrilled me at the same time. I understand your sense of loss from giving up childish beliefs. But then, I also used to believe in Santa Claus and god.

That said, these people are idiots.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not sure the moron quotient is any higher today than it ever has been. People in certain parts of the country used to believe in lynching. Compared to that, believing in ghosts is mild.

By the way, I went to the Public Library with my daughter on Saturday so she could do some science research. In the reference section, there were books on evolution, but none on Intelligent Design. What's wrong with these librarians and why do they hate America?