credit: Jesse Duquette

Friday, October 26, 2007

You're Dead, Jim!


Shatner wants to know why he's not in new Trek film.

"I couldn't believe it. I'm not in the movie at all. Leonard, God bless his heart, is in, but not me," Shatner, 76, told The Associated Press on Thursday.
From what little I know of the plot, Leonard Nimoy is playing Ambassador Spock in the 24th century looking back on his past with Kirk and the Enterprise. Thus, Leonard Nimoy can logically play older Spock. Older Kirk, however, was killed in the late 23rd century and so CAN'T APPEAR IN THE NEW TREK FILM WITHOUT A LOT OF TEDIOUS AND CONTRIVED EXPLANATION.

And the last thing we need in a new Trek film is contrivance and tedium.


Anonymous said...

Man, is Shatner full of it or what, talking about taking advantage of his popularity? I suspect this movie can only be a disaster so Shatner is probably better off. (I like the tag line.)

Maybe they could spin it that Captain Kirk got caught in a time warp that transported him back to the 20th Century where he lost his memory and assumed the character of T.J. Hooker, a policeman that had a knack for riding on the hoods of cars when chasing criminals. Sheesh.

XUP said...

He could come back as Kirk's fat, old evil twin. That's completely plausible.

Ipecac said...

Now some Trek fans are trying to threaten boycotts, petitions, etc. to get Shatner involved.

Uh, he wasn't in the last three Trek films, doofuses. Why should he be in this one? Sheesh.