credit: Jesse Duquette

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Aaaaaargh! In which I bemoan my fate at missing the coolest moment of my life

Yesterday I left work at 5Pm. I had gaming night and so hustled out of the office, eager to get home. As I crossed Pennsylvania Ave., I noticed a large white van parked in the median and a bunch of people standing beyond it. This isn't an unusual sight as film crews often set up there to get a picture of the U.S. Capitol. It seemed an unusually large number of people to me, but they could have been doing a commercial or something. I walked by and continued home.

This morning, I found out the cruel truth. The truth that will haunt me to my grave.

They were filming a scene from 24 in front of my building. What's more, around 5:30, Keifer Sutherland was running up and down the street in front of my building brandishing a gun.

And I missed it.

Had I stayed late last night, I could have looked out of my office window and seen Jack Bauer doing his patented ass-kicking. I could have walked down to the street and, like the boy who catches the foul ball and is immediately signed up to play on the Major League team, perhaps have gotten my own ass kicked. It would have been an honor. Instead, I was asleep on the Metro.

I missed the greatest moment of my existence. My life is over.


Anonymous said...

omigod, you could have been one of the bystanders killed by evil terrorists before Jack is able to torture information out of someone. Or you could have been someone completely oblivious to the nuclear explosion. Too bad! They should have had Jack rush into the FTC building and try to get the guards to come help.

BillR said...

I missed Nicholas Cage running around the Library of Congress for the filming of National Treasure 2