credit: Jesse Duquette

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Out of many, a stupid bunch of crap


California School District Approves 'In God We Trust' Classroom Displays

Trustees of the largest high school district in the country voted 4-1 Monday night to mandate displays bearing the nation's motto — "In God We Trust" — and other historical documents in over 2,300 district classrooms and offices.
What a total shock! A school board approves the display of the US motto in classrooms. And here I expected them to vote against it. Silly me.

The link from the Fox News front page reads: "Score One for God". Wankers.

If you don't know the sordid story of how "In God We Trust", a motto spectacularly inappropriate for the United States, supplanted E Pluribus Unum, "Out of Many, One", as our national motto, check
here. (The short story is that it's a relic from the McCarthy era which magically protects us Americans as no atheist communist bastard would dare repeat it.)

Here's the problem:

The classroom displays were first suggested by the non-profit group In God We Trust — America Inc., whose president, Jacquie Sullivan, is a Bakersfield councilwoman.

"I encouraged the trustees to put this on the agenda," she said. "It's very important. We need to promote patriotism and promote it in our schools. We can’t just assume that the younger generations are going to have that strong love for God and their country the way the older generations do."

Of course she conflates patriotism and "strong love for God". I have no problem with promoting patriotism. It's the automatic linking of patriotism to "love of God" which rankles me.

The councilwoman, who said she is a registered Republican and a Christian who attends a local Baptist church, told that she has neither a religious nor political agenda in pushing for the measure.

"It’s not political. It’s not religious. It’s patriotism," Sullivan said. "American patriotism is love of God and love of country. It's pride in our country."
Of course, all you non-believers or believers in other religions don't count as true Americans. You can't, by definition, be patriotic in Sullivan's world.

She believes schools are becoming more casual about teaching children to appreciate the ideals and values the United States was founded on, and she thinks it's important to "get back to the basics."

"Some schools have gotten so lax as to not be pledging allegiance to the flag everyday," Sullivan said. "We can easily get out of the habit of doing good things. (Patriotism) is something that continually needs to be taught."
Heavens to Betsy! Because mindless recitation of slogans is the only true way to show your love of country and the only foolproof way to indoctrinate children to become the next generation of bleating sheep, blindly following their leaders. How dare we not have children pledging allegiance every single day! What will become of us?

And she believes that most Americans have faith in God, so having the national motto posted in school shouldn't offend anyone.

"We are faith-based people for the most part," Sullivan said. "Sometimes you have to go with the majority."

So screw you, non-believers! (Also Quakers and other Christians who don't want their religion trumpeted on every street corner like an ad for soda.) Just shut up and take it!

Other Bakersfield residents said there's nothing wrong with posting the nation's motto on classroom walls — even if it does mention God.

"Most kids in Bakersfield already have that seed planted, but for the others, it couldn't hurt," Malia Casarez told the Times. "My daughter is just 9 months old and I'm already scared of sending her to school, with all the things you hear about."

Yes. And making sure it says "In God We Trust" on the walls will certainly protect your daughter. No one ever gets hurt when they trust in god.

Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, we all know that God is an American, right?