Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2007 - Five and Dime List

Many gamers keep a record of the games they play. I am no exception.

Some keep detailed records of what they played against whom and what the scores were. That's way too much work for me. For the last three years, I have merely logged what game I played on which date into a small notebook. I do this because I like to know how long it's been since I played a particular game and how many times I played a particular game each year. For example, I played my favorite game, Taj Mahal, four times in 2007, the last time on Dec. 21. That's not too bad for a seven year old game.

To my dismay, when I did my annual tally, I found that I played considerably fewer games in 2007 than I did in 2006! My 2006 total was 439 while my 2007 total was 346. A disturbing trend. Unfortunately, I got a little lazy in 2007 and undoubtedly missed logging quite a few games, but I doubt that accounts for the difference.

Since the record-keeping was becoming a chore, I was all set to give it up in 2008. Then I saw that my wife was logging all of her plays into the Boardgamegeek database. This gives her an instantly updated record, including a neat calendar function so she she can see a graphical representation of how often she plays games. I've started using the BGG database to track my games and I hope to keep it up.

Below are the games I played at least five times in 2007. Sadly, I have only one "dime", games played more than ten times. If I were to add games that I played four times to the list, there would be eleven more games.

Poker - 21
Nacht die Magier - 9
Circus Flohcati - 8
Connect Four - 7
Can't Stop - 7
Crokinole - 6
Ca$h 'n Gun$ - 6
Railroad Tycoon - 6
6 Nimmt - 6
Pillars of the Earth - 6
Ave Caesar - 5
Travel Blokus - 5
Star Wars: Epic Duels - 5
Ingenious Travel - 5
Tichu - 5

A pretty good (if short) list that I hope to improve significantly in 2008.


Eric Haas said...

I’m surprised your total is so low. My total for 2007 was 706. If you look at my Games Played list on BGG, the total is somewhere around 750, but that’s because BGG insists on giving each expansion its own separate entry.

ahtitan said...

I kept track for about 4 or 5 years straight. I gave it up, partly because I'm lazy, and partly because my gaming time has been dwindling so much that it became depressing. Besides, last year it would have consisted mostly of Heroclix, because that's pretty much all I play with any regularity.

Ipecac said...

I’m surprised your total is so low. My total for 2007 was 706.

Well, we do have very different responsibilities and opportunities. :-)

Which is not to say that I'm not ashamed of my low total.

Eric Haas said...

I’m not trying to say you should be ashamed or anything, but I always thought you gamed more often than I did.

Ipecac said...

I was a bit surprised too.

Don't feel bad. I'm quite capable of self-shaming. :-)

ahtitan said...

I'm quite capable of self-shaming. :-)

Hopefully behind a locked bathroom door.
