Monday, January 28, 2008

And yet they continue to ignore the Gremlins

What can you say about this kind of stupidity?

Air Force Base invites "Ghost Hunters" to investigate.
The ghost hunters spent last week at Wright-Patterson, including three nights operating cameras and recording equipment in buildings where strange activity has been reported. Col. Colleen Ryan, base commander, said she doesn't know if there are ghosts on the base, but the reports have come from people she believes to be credible.
Here's what you can say: Gullible morons. Idiots. Wasting taxpayer money, giving credibility to charlatans, ignorant of the fallibility of human perceptions.

I would love to see some General step in and discipline the base commander for this waste of resources.


Anonymous said...

The Bush Administration is consulting with Ghost Hunters on Iraq. I bet you didn't know that the insurgency really consists of ghosts, did you? We can't let the ghosts win. I bet "Casper the Friendly Ghost" was never really friendly. In fact, he and Saddam were working with Al Quaeda.

ahtitan said...

And I thought when he said we should fight the Spectre of Terror, he was just being poetic...

NOTE: This joke is technically a bad one, because Bush could never come up with that phrase on his own, or pronounce it if it was written for him.