A reminder of who they are

Monday, September 01, 2008

Evangelicals are thrilled with Palin. Huzzah.

Not surprisingly, McCain's pandering to the religious right by naming a far right wing running mate appears to be paying off among those who would be more comfortable living in the middle ages and want to take the rest of us with them.
Palin's political résumé meets all the essential tests for social conservatives: She opposes same-sex marriage and providing benefits to domestic partners; she backs banning embryonic stem cell research and has raised the idea of teaching creationism alongside evolution in public schools.
Cathie Adams, Texas's incoming national committeewoman, said she is elated to have someone like herself running for one of the nation's highest offices. "It's very exciting to have a person who holds the faith," Adams said after arriving in St. Paul. "I'm sure this is a woman who believes, as I do, let's present evolution and creationism on a level playing field, because when that happens, we know education is happening, not brainwashing, not politics in the classroom."
Although evangelicals across the country and those in town for the Republican convention heaped praise on Palin, many acknowledged that they were still researching her policy positions and personal background. Chung said he is focused on the fact that she is "pro-life, pro-family, pro-smaller government," even if he doesn't know to what church she belongs.

"I'm more concerned that the candidate hold the same views that I do than if they have the same religion as I do, though it would be nice," Chung said.

Gee, Cathie, "It's very exciting to have a person who holds the faith." Where have you been for the past 200 years? Since when hasn't the government been run by a Christian? A prominent example of one of your kind of people presided over the last eight years and look where we are.

These type of people have held undue influence in America for too long. They have no respect for open-mindedness, science, reason, other religions, the rights of other Americans or the Constitution. They do not want America to move forward but want to lock us into their narrow, controlling morality, cheerfully worshiping their god in our every act, public and private.

Vote for them at our peril.

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