A reminder of who they are

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


-- A malicious satisfaction obtained from the misfortunes of others.

The announcement of Governor Sarah Palin as John McCain's running-mate was already creating a huge political and media ruckus when the sensational news came out that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. While I can only imagine the moral outrage that would rise from the far right if Senator Obama had a pregnant seventeen year old daughter, since it's happening to one of their own, they're forced to be supportive and try to downplay the whole incident.

What's ironic is that if the kids had been given proper sex education, something Sarah Palin vehemently opposes, they might have avoided the pregnancy in the first place. It's no guarantee, of course, as teenagers always have and will continue to have sex. But it would have given them a chance. Abstinence-only education is not just unrealistic it's stupid. Teenagers need to understand the biology behind reproduction and need information on how to avoid pregnancy and disease. Refusing to teach these topics is like giving them a driver's license without teaching them to drive first.

Lest anyone think that Governor Palin would be the mother of a single mom, they immediately announced that Bristol will marry the father. A shotgun wedding at seventeen years old sounds more like a recipe for disaster than something that will actually help the situation. These kids made a mistake, but forcing marriage on them won't help and will probably make things worse. Unfortunately, they are from a world with 19th century values, so marriage is the only alternative.

Some conservatives have praised the Governor's support of her daughter, as if surprised. I can't imagine not supporting my daughter through whatever she faces. Of course, the only people who might not support their pregnant teen daughters in the first place are conservative evangelicals who live in a rigid world of repressed sexuality and biblical literalism.

Lots of people, including Senator Obama, have asked people to give the Palin's their privacy as they work through this. I think that's the right thing to do. However, I don't think it's inappropriate to point out that while Governor Palin praises her daughter's choice to keep the baby, that's a choice she doesn't want to give any other American.

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