Thursday, February 18, 2010

OUCH!! This stupid hurts

Utah State Sen. Mark Madsen (R) is introducing legislation to create a holiday honoring John Moses Browning — the Utah native and “gun pioneer” who founded the Browning Arms company — on the same day as Martin Luther King Day. Browning’s birthday is believed to be around Jan. 21, so “Madsen proposes doubling up Browning and King”:

“I see them as complimentary,” [Madsen] said. Browning is known for developing a variety of guns, including the gas-operated machine gun. Madsen said he plans to meet with the NAACP to discuss his proposal.

“We’ll see if they can take it in the spirit it’s intended,” Madsen said.

[...] “Guns keep peace,” [state Senate Majority Leader Scott] Jenkins [R] said. “I kind of like the idea of making his birthday a holiday. I’m all over that.” LINK
Yes, nothing like honoring a man of peace who fought for equal rights for all Americans alongside a guy who created guns.

Oh, did we mention that the first guy was actually murdered by a gun? I guess that's what makes the idea of a joint holiday super special!

But Masden wasn't done yet.
Madsen noted that he’s not committed to MLK day and will find another day “if the race baiters are out there looking for an opportunity” to start a controversy.
Add a pinch of racism, and voila! The perfect storm of stupidity. Congrats.

1 comment:

Eric Haas said...

Almost sounds like he’s trying to pick a fight.