Sunday, March 28, 2010

Quarterly Blood Analysis 12-09

I'm a bit behind posting these.  These numbers are from December, 2009.  It's almost time for another test!

75 Glucose (Excellent)
96 Total Cholesterol (less than 200 is desirable)
126 Triglycerides (less than 150 is normal)
31 LDL (bad) Cholesterol (less than 100 is optimal)
40 HDL (good) Cholesterol (normal is 40-50)
5.5 A1C (4-5.9 is normal)

4.93 Thyroid ((normal range is .3 to 3)

My cholesterol numbers are awesome.  The LDL and Triglycerides almost couldn't be better.

Unfortunately, my thyroid was acting up.  I was put on a thyroid medicine and tested again in January.  The thyroid numbers were back to normal so I'm off the medicine pending the results of my next quarterly test.

Get yourself checked by a doctor regularly.  It's the easiest way to maintain your health.

1 comment:

ahtitan said...

Dear Ipecac,

I loved reading your analysis. Sounds delicious. Call me!

Love, Edward Cullen