Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sorry about the death. Now get back to work!

The CEO of Massey Energy, the coal company that killed 29 of its miners recently, is a real class act.
Massey Energy, the Virginia-based coal giant that runs the Upper Big Branch Mine, has denied time off for miners to attend their friends’ funerals; has rejected makeshift memorials outside the mine site; and, in at least one case, required a worker to go on shift even though the fate of a relative — one of the victims of the April 5 disaster — remained unknown at the time, according to some family members and other sources familiar with those episodes. In short, the company might be taking heat for putting profits and efficiency above its workers, but it doesn’t appear to have changed its tune in the wake of the worst mining tragedy in 40 years.
Nice.  The company completely disregards safety regulations (CEO Blankenship equates safety regs with the "myth" of climate change) and then screws over workers who have just been through a horrible tragedy.

When will the Board and shareholders take action against this scumbag?

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