A reminder of who they are

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Thoughts on the Glee Season Finale (spoilers)

Well, as usual with Glee, there were things I absolutely loved and things I hated.  The show is really good, but also really contrived sometimes.

 - Speaking of contrived, Sue being a judge at Regionals was waaaay contrived.  Not to mention that she was personally involved with two of the other judges.  Ridiculous.

 - Loved Finn’s declaration of love for Rachel just as they were about to go on stage.

 - Loved Emma’s loud and angry defense of the Glee club to Principal Figgins. 

 - As expected, the club performed NONE of their previously rehearsed songs, including the “funk” song they went on about last week, the key to taking down Vocal Adrenalin, instead opting to pull together a Journey mashup in like two days.

 - LOVED the name of the third group at Regionals, Aural Intensity.  (Say it out loud).  Loved even more Sue’s comments to the audience when awarding them second place, “In second place, the not at all stupidly-named Aural Intensity.”

 - As at Sectionals, all the judges were idiots.  I’m not saying the judges made the wrong decision, but having the judges be morons takes away from the gravity of the whole contest and, thus, the drama. 

 - As always, the music was fantastic.

 - As always, the show easily managed to be touching because these characters are so well-developed and portrayed and they’ve earned the emotions they inspire.

 - Loved Quinn calling for Mercedes to accompany her to the birth.

 - Loved the way Sue voted in the contest.  I’m tearing up just thinking about it.


All in all, a phenomenal first season.  Let’s hope they can maintain it.


Way to go, Glee!

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