Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Credit Due

If you’ve been paying attention, it’s no news to you that over the past couple of years (at the least) conservatives have been vilifying Muslims to score political points.  From the “terrorist training center” Muslims are building right on top of Ground Zero, to the Sharia Law they are imposing in every city and state, all Muslims are clearly out for our very blood. 

The latest outrage?  New Jersey Governor, Republican Chris Christie, who has taken heat from the right for having the gall to appoint a (gasp!) Muslim to the New Jersey court!  He recently defended his appointment.
“If it is disqualifying for the bench to be an Arab-American in New Jersey who represents innocent people and gets them released, then this isn’t the state I believe it is,” Christie said. “I’ve known this man for 10 years. He’s a good, decent American and New Jerseyan, he’s an outstanding lawyer, and he deserves the opportunity to be on the bench. I am proud to have nominated him.”
I may think Christie is a right-wing goon who is screwing over his own constituents, but I give him full credit for this. 

Well done and well said, Mr. Christie!

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