Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Not that I really want to talk about abortion again, but he brought it up.

Republican Presidential wanna-be Rick Santorum shares his deep thoughts on why social security is a problem . . .
“The Social Security system in my opinion is a flawed design, period. But having said that, the design would work a lot better if we had stable demographic trends," Santorum said.
So American demographic trends are “unstable”?  What does that mean?  And Social Security is one of the most successful federal programs EVER, having kept millions of older Americans out of the poor house and able to live out their retirements in comfort and dignity.  But please continue, Mr. Santorum.
"A third of all the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion."
Okay, that makes – wait, what?  Isn’t that like saying that “A third of all Unicorns in my garage are not in my garage because of rainbows?”  I don’t think you’ve made things any clearer, sir.

But don’t worry!  Things are looking good for the future because sharp cookies like Santorum are breeding like rabbits!
"We have seven children so we're doing our part to fund the Social Security system," Santorum said. "I want children to be living in America and contributing. America's greatest resource is our people and we're denying America what it needs, which is more Americans."
Yes, because, aside from the concept of having children in order to fund a social program, screw our resource problems, over-population, healthcare issues, and crowding in cities.  What we need to succeed are more real ‘Mericans!  After all, the Chinese and Indians do outnumber us.

Frankly, I can think of at least one American I could do without.

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