Monday, April 04, 2011

Beauty and the Beast

Rachel’s musical, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, went off beautifully this weekend. Friday’s opening night show had a really large and enthusiastic crowd and the performers responded. The sets, staging, tech, orchestra, costumes, acting and singing were as good as they’ve ever been, making this CHStage’s best show yet. Saturday’s shows were also excellent and well attended. The video prologue I created went over very well. Projected on the curtain, it created a spooky, fairy tale atmosphere to start the show.

Rachel was lovely as Mrs. Pott’s and her rendition of “Beauty and the Beast” one of the highlights of the show. It was really just beautiful.

Seeing lots of adorable little girls in attendance wearing their Disney princess costumes was also a highlight.

The final two shows are this Friday and Saturday night at 7PM.

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