Monday, April 04, 2011

Well, at least those fatcat teachers got what they deserved.

Since taking office in January, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) has stripped public workers of their collective bargaining rights, proposed wage cuts to local government employees, and insisted that his “state is broke” and that its public workers are overpaid.

Today, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reveals that Walker is using state funds to pay more than $81,500 a year to the 26-year-old son of a major campaign donor with no college degree and two drunken-driving convictions. 

Despite having almost no management experience, UW Madison college dropout Brian Deschane now oversees state environmental and regulatory issues and manages dozens of Commerce Department employees. After only two months on the job, Deschane has already received a 26 percent pay raise and a promotion.  Link
 This guy must be really good to have gotten such a great job with great pay!  It's great to finally have a Governor who has his priorities straight!  Screw those greedy teachers, it's about time college dropouts with multiple DUI's got what they deserve!

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