Tuesday, March 08, 2011

End Discrimination in Maryland NOW!

This week, the House of Delegates of the State of Maryland has the chance to make history.  They are about to begin debate on making Maryland the sixth state in the country (plus DC) to legalize full and equal gay marriage.  The bill has passed the Senate and awaits the action of the House.  Chances of passage are better than they've ever been, but the final results are still up in the air.

It's shameful that a bill that would end an injustice, that would extend a basic, fundamental human right to our neighbors and fellow citizens, is not certain of passage.  It's shameful that gays are treated like second class citizens and denied the same opportunity to express their love as heterosexual couples.  It's shameful that so much hate is expended on people because of an intrinsic characteristic.  This week, we can finally end that.

I have written my Delegates and urged them to support this bill.  If you're a Maryland resident, I urge you to do the same.

You can find more information here:  Equality Maryland - Contact Your Legislator.

I will be immensely proud if the Maryland government does the right thing and truly makes us the Free State.



Eric Haas said...

I also wrote my delegates in support of the bill.

Ipecac said...
